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safe and healthy diet tips

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 06 Februari 2015 | 22.34

10 types of 'successful diet' Best Diet

Weight loss is a lifestyle like high blood pressure, cholesterol, brain health goals also focus on specific individual diet

There are many Korean diet resolutions recently. Or cause a variety of diets fail in terms of the law of life to try "will start tomorrow!" And also delay the return. Start a diet with excessive way in a short time is sometimes rather lose their health more quickly increased. Experts agree that it is out of a green thumb for a healthy lifestyle as a whole is more important than to focus on weight loss when starting a diet. Not long ago, US News and World Report magazine has announced this year's Top Diet diet. Best Diet is a comprehensive diet No. 1 for five consecutive years of the famous' DASH diet, high blood pressure diet (DASH Diet, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) has won.

The best weight loss diet is the chosen method is more dwaetgo 1 'weit and cheoseu' (Weight Watchers), followed by HMR diet new legislation rise in the rankings. Diabetes diet best by 'losers non-forest' (The Biggest Loser) and the 'dash' is the first place tie, which leads to heart disease dietary laws' Onishi diet '(Ornish Diet) was selected as the most good for healthy eating diet called' dash '. US News and World Report that summarizes has a comprehensive selection of the best diet for 10 branches.

Dashboard (DASH): The last five years, the most comprehensive diet healthy diet 1, accounting for the top law. Diet method focused on prevention rather than lowering blood pressure in hypertensive diet diet versatile method. Reduce waist, lowering the risk of diabetes, heart health, and even cancer can be expected.

Perhaps the diet of diabetics. Diet is a safe method, it is helpful to have healthy eating habits. Potassium, calcium, protein, dietary fiber and nutrients are those nutrients that help prevent and control blood pressure. Chicken, fish intake properly and produce food, seasoned with salt, herbs and spices instead of lemon and so on. Through eating grains and vegetables, eat fruit instead of candy. Will help you have a healthy, low-fat eating habits in a low-salt diet, rather than a revolutionary weight loss Subcommittee.

  TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes): fried foods, fatty meats, dairy Hall (milk) and dairy products should be as a goodbye. To eat to lose fat, especially saturated fat diet to reduce the height of bad cholesterol. If the increase in LDL cholesterol increase the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke. Limited cholesterol intake, and increase the intake of dietary fiber. Six weeks if LDL cholesterol decreased by 8% to 10%.

Eat chicken or turkey skin is removed, a high red meat and saturated fat intake is restricted. 4 servings of fruit per day, and 3-5 servings of vegetables is about to eat, do not eat fried foods is absolute.

  Mayo Clinic: bad habit of eating in front of TV gives turned into the practice. The first two weeks will lose about 6-10 pounds, and then began to lose 1-2 pounds a week. Improve five health habits, improve their bad habits of the five health. In addition to 30 minutes of exercise daily. Eating a diet of 1,200 calories per day were designed for, grains, vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes, fish, and healthy fats such as eating a balanced diet corrects a balanced life.

  Mediterranean diet (Mediterranean diet): Fruit and vegetables, olive oil, fish, wine and eating a Mediterranean diet, known especially for diets beneficial for heart and brain health, and prevention of cancer and diabetes prevention and control in a good diet.

Residents of the Mediterranean island of Crete is the probability of death from heart disease, 20% lower than the US. Red meat, sugar, saturated fats, such as reducing intake, and intake of vegetables and fruits, and nuts. Eating too much saturated fat in red meat call cancer, and the risk of heart disease. Red meat intake is limited to about 2 to 3 times a month.

  weit and cheoseu (Weight Watchers): method of weight loss diet commercially short term or long term. You can lose about 2 pounds a week, but among people with restricted food diet is known as zero-point system to monitor each other.

  Flexible language Terry (Flexitarian): Compound 'flexibility' (flexible) and 'vegan' (vegetarian). As part of a vegetarian diet diet of fruits, vegetables, and choose whole grains, vegetable protein balance. Lowers heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other disease risks, diet flexible when frozen Terry said live 3.6 years longer. Know beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and eat protein from eggs, etc., limit alcohol. Do not eat very little meat excluded. Another exercise five days a week, and every 30 minutes in, strength training twice a week is recommended.

  metric bolryu (Volumetrics): to be myopic with sea water filling and energy density (nonstarchy) intake of fruits and vegetables, and milk neonpaet, eat soup (beef stock or chicken broth). Solid Energy crackers, potato chips, cookies, chocolate, candy, butter, eating junk food so little self-control to not eat much.

Even eating pancakes places to eat fruit instead of butter, cheese and eat the roots raised vegetable pasta pasta instead. You can lose 1-2 pounds per week.

  Jenny Craig (Jenny Craig): provides a pre-packaged food in famous diet program, what to eat, when to eat which gives talk etc. separately. 70 kinds of food to choose from and can be customized consultation. Expensive at around $ 100 a week.

  Biggie cast loser (The Biggest Loser): celebrity diets to eat properly as the law made by the TV show, the diet is the main way to exercise. 6 weeks is helpful in the prevention of diabetes and regulations as well as weight loss and healthy eating to exercise regularly. Cancer, dementia, Alzheimer & apos; s can also increase the effect for prevention and heart health and immunity.

One of eating too much food, good food, a lot of people who are overweight are eating too neuleonaneunde deficiency in the body, the solution is to eat properly, only the simple principle that you need to exercise. Intake of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, controlling the amount and write a food diary, is the main core to move your body.

City mud (Ornish): Dean Dr. Onishi has claimed that you can restore a healthy heart diet developed by the legal bar. Eating low-fat fruits and vegetables, grains, and especially food and exercise like walking regularly every 20 to 30 minutes. Also yoga and meditation are also recommended for stress regulation.

     method dash '(DASH) diet of grains, vegetables and fruits mainly eat fish, chicken meal with high blood pressure who eat a proper diet and diabetes prevention and management, but also recommended for low-salt diet

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